
Showing posts from 2008

Happy birthday to me and my brother

My sinuses are going to explode!

The weather outside is frightful

Scary news

Blakely, Arlington, and points in between

Sewing, matriarchs, and other musings

Yes, I'm still here

Lady in a RED CAR!

Family reunion

New stuff within 24 hours

So long Curly

Meet me at the fair

Shake yer money maker!!

Let's dance

Memories and the mind

My blood's too thick for this heat!

Whew my feet hurt!

Solitary enjoyment!

The Axe man cometh!

We need Valium in the water supply, I swear!

Bernina lust

Just an update

Yep, another one!

Nifty bag!

Ya' all sittin' down?

Mornings at the zoo..and there's only 2 of us!

An evenings job well done

Final results

Dusting and cleaning results

Uterine update!

Sunshine, bluebirds, and worries


Tax Time Approacheth! (Is that a word?)

Satisfaction -- Ahhh!

Perimenopause, its causes and effects

snow shoes and other musings

My umbilical cord is gone! Augh!

Saturday morning

Furnace update

Attack of the killer dust bunnies!