Happy birthday to me and my brother

So the wind is supposed to hit tonight...From the looks of all the garbage in my yard I just picked up it hit last night too.

DH is feeling better, or he was as of this morning. It's his first day back at work after 2 weeks of unemployment on account of the weather. We'll see what he says when he gets home. 7:00 and no sign of him yet. He had pitting edema of one lower leg Sunday. That is a first. He's never had that before. The bottoms of his feet seemed a bit swollen and were sore to walk on too. How bizarre. I'm looking forward to him going to the rheumatologist next month. Perhaps he can provide an answer to what has been going on.

My birthday was...unusual. We went to the Porterhouse for a drink and perhaps food. Nothing on the menu appealed but the wine I was drinking sure tasted good. Had 3 of those before we left. As we were driving around wondering what sounded good to eat we passed a taco wagon. YUM!!! The car came to a sudden stop and I had 3 pork tacos and a Pepsi. DH then took me driving around looking at the residual snow and/or flooding. We ended up at Evelyn's in Clear Lake. It's a biker bar with a wavy wood floor and few drink options. I sat there and drank bloody marys while eating them out of Cheetos and chatting up DH and the bartender. Needless to say I woke up with a bit of a hangover. Not as bad as I expected thank goodness. My best friend stopped by and we did the xmas gift exchange and my birthday present. Then she took me along with her and her daughter to the mall then to dinner. All in all a very nice birthday weekend.


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