Scary news

Last few days have been worrisome. DH went to urgent care on Saturday for an earache. Got some arithromycin or some such to treat it. The next day he woke up with swollen hands and later his feet. He was burning up too throughout the day. Monday morn he reported back to urgent care thinking he was having an allergic reaction. Turns out he had a kidney infection (both of them) and the heavy dose of antibiotic sent them into partial failure...ACK! He also tested diabetic but that may resolve when the kidneys are back online. He stopped the antibiotic and has been pushing fluids since then. He is to visit his primary care provider tomorrow. His swelling has gone down but his kidneys still hurt especially in the mornings.

On a lighter note there is about 8 inches of snow in our yard. I went to work this morning and the car performed beautifully! Love my Subaru. The clinic closed at 3:00 because of the weather so I'm home early. Also nice. It has quit snowing for the time being. We are supposed to get winds later. Think I'll go make biscotti for Grandma. She wanted some for Xmas.


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