Med ctr policy involves wasting my money

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow off.  My agenda during this time off?  Doctor appt first thing yesterday which turned into just a chat.  I am paying for that????  Really, I thought I was going in for the little procedure which I've had done a few times before over the years.  I did not need the chat or the info sheet.  Read my damn file!  It's all in there!  And  note to self: Book the appt myself to avoid this in the future.  Don't leave it up to my PCP's MA.  Gah!  Then I tuned a piano before rushing to the dentist for a cleaning.  While at the cleaning I finally got around to booking an appt for a crown.  Sigh.  Oh, and that shadow on the "watch list"?  It is a cavity so I'll be having that done at the same time.  Today I tuned 2 pianos at a church here in MV, wolfed down a lunch then drove to Marysville to tune another at a church.  tis the busy season for tuning at churches.  Drawback?  usually gotta wait a while for pay.  Till the end of the month anyway.

Tomorrow I don't have anything scheduled as of right now but that is okay since I've got stuff to do here at the house.  And I may even try to get some sewing done after all the chores are caught up.  We'll see.  I know, I say that alot but I always try to get that far but it doesn't always work out.

This weekend I will be meeting Carol and her parents from Canada at the Calico Cupboard here in MV for lunch.  I've known them my entire life and I reconnected back in July so am looking forward to seeing them again.

May also be meeting an old friend on my birthday who will be visiting family here in Seattle over the Xmas weekend.  Hope that works out as well.

As for xmas?  No real plans other than fixing a nice meal here at home and chilling.


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