
The new range is fantabulous!  I don't mind cooking dinner now, and I want to bake although it's just 2 of us and most of the people at work are on a diet so I can't get rid of treats there.

We are thinking of a kitchen remodel.  Had someone over to take measurements and see what kind of $$ we'd be looking at.  I'm scared to see it.  Just having the house payment and my car pymt is enough debt, but the kitchen is so outdated!  1929 is a little too outdated!!

Almost finished with our personal year end stuff.  Should be able to  take it to the accountant by the end of the month.  Or mail it I guess.

D got back from Michigan safe and sound.  The weather here is killing him it is so damp.  He had blizzards and snow storms back there.  Easier on his joints I gather.  We also got new health insurance due to my employer switching.  Now we are having to go through the effort of getting referrals, new Rx's, etc for the mail order pharmacy and a new CPAP for D.  He got that yesterday but we are still converting Rx's.  Pain in the butt all the crap one must go through at no fault of ours.  Ah well.  Such is the world of health insurance.  At least we have some!  We also get dental now, though I pay all the premiums for that.  Good thing though since we both need crowns this year.

Such is life.  Better go check on the rockfish.  Should be about done.  Dinner time!



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