The weather outside is frightful

The word of the day....Brrrrr! I don't recall a time in my life where it has been this cold for this long here. Unbelievable! Fortunately we have great cars for this kind of weather. I made it to work every day this last week when others didn't.

As for DH, his urine tested clean of diabetes and infection but he still has some joint pain more than the usual. The doctor is sending him to a rheumatologist next month. He tested negative for rheumatoid arthritis but there's still something going on. His C-reactive protein was elevated still. It was elevated when he last saw the doctor a couple years ago too. We hope to get to the bottom of this one of these days.

I finally got around to sending out Xmas cards. I tried postcards this year. I just didn't have the organization to get it done sooner. Perhaps doing it earlier would have been admitting that it really is December. Augh!

Stay warm everyone. There's a wind storm supposedly coming tonight and tomorrow. We got the generator working, the hurricane lamps full, and we're ready. Merry Xmas!


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