My sinuses are going to explode!

No wind. Darn. The twisted part of me wanted some wind. We got more snow however, and I have a horrendous head cold. I ventured out enough to check my mail (I'm expecting checks) and to get more Sudafed. Now I'm back home and feeling cruddy. I called and left a message at work at 6:30 this morning. It appears my coworker didn't go in either. Her house in Arlington is out of power. So they were SOL in Stanwood I bet unless our new coworker made it in. I'm too miserable to tough it out or I'd have gone in. Can't quit sneezing and coughing. My chest is tired from coughing and my nose is chapped.

My DH is loving this. He likes snow and since he has studded tires on all four wheels of his Subaru he can go anywhere. He went out testing where he could go the other day and he went up really steep roads that kids were using to sled and hadn't been plowed either. He never ran into a lick of trouble. He's a crazy Michiganer though. Snow holds no fear for him.


Anonymous said…
"Crazy" is putting it mildly. :P

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