Sewing, matriarchs, and other musings

I've begun sewing a blouse over the last couple weeks. Actually I have been doing a miniscule amount every now and again so it's going very slowly. It has been quite a while since I've sewn something that requires fitting, and for some reason I've had a comprehension problem following the directions. Rusty doesn't begin to describe my fashion sewing skills. I'll post some progression pix after I've actually progressed! LOL

I've also been working on a quilt off-and-on for the past several months, more off than on. The top is almost finished. It needs a final border strip then the quilt sandwich will come together. Don't know if I'll free-motion sew it or just tie it. I'll make that decision when it's together.

Visited with Grandma today as DH had to work. It was good to see her. She is becoming rather feeble looking. I guess she's due since she IS 94. Sad to see, however. She has always been a vibrant, interesting woman who stays current on politics, the news, and reads often. Her body is letting her active mind down. Sigh.

A commercial featuring purses just flashed on TV. Yes, I'm watching TV while I blog. My Big, Fat, Greet Wedding as a matter of fact. Anyhoo, that reminds me. I need to make a new purse too. I dug out my old leather bucket bag from the closet when the weather turned colder but I've used that so often for so many years I'm getting a little tired of it. I have a couple books on making purses and I'd like to try them. Perhaps out of some cool upholstery fabric or some such. Hmmm. I'll be keeping my eye on the sale racks for interesting stuff.

There was a fish monger selling crab from the docks today so I picked some up. Set up the fish cooker in the outside stairwell tonight and boiled them. I cleaned them and put them in the fridge. We are going to eat them as an early Thanksgiving as DH may be working through Thanksgiving. Drag. Loved cooking them outside. Kept the stink outta the house. Nothing like boiling crab guts and sea water to put a stench in the air. Probably drove cats from a mile around nuts.


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