Yes, I'm still here

It's been a while. Hello again. The beginning of October I went with my Aunt and Cousin to Idaho to see my Uncle. We had an absolute BLAST! There was so much giggling! We did some sightseeing and chillin'. I'm looking forward to a repeat again sometime.

After that there hasn't been much going on. I've been working pretty much the whole time. Done a couple overtime Saturdays at work since we're still shorthanded. One of the new hires started last Friday. Thank gawd, since we were able to release the temp we had who wanted the job. She talked WAY too much and her personal hygiene best. Shudder....Nice person, but agh! I swear I'd come home smelling her on my clothes.

Last Sunday D-man and I went to Orcas to pick up some equipment for D-man's work. It was a beautiful day to be on the islands. Sunny and calm. Too bad we were in a smoky, dusty, ratty flatbed with no heat. Needless to say we just stayed at the ferry landing for several hours since we just missed the previous sailing by minutes. Didn't feel comfortable driving that thing around the island or up to West Sound. We'd probably have missed the second sailing since it filled up fast. Sat on the Orcas Hotel porch and watched the boats go by and visited.

So that's my month in a nutshell.


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