Saturday morning

Update - Furnace was fixed the next day. Toasty again!

My DH is up on Mt. Baker skiing today. He'll be gone again tomorrow also. I got up at O'dark-thirty and went to work to get some work done that has been piling up. It's not caught up yet, but better. Now I have the rest of the day free. Hmmm, what to do what to do? I should be working on getting my tax stuff together and ready...NAH! How depressing! The weather is conducive to doing taxes though, rainy and dreary.

Sent the in-laws some fresh oysters from Taylor Shellfish farm 2-day air. They got them today and are thrilled! It was DH's idea. BIG HIT! They loved it and both had their mouths full when they called to thank us. Good sign wouldn't you say?


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