Attack of the killer dust bunnies!

It is a full moon? The weather? Just the post-holiday blues? People were seriously b**chy today. Got so all of us at work hated to answer the phones.

On another note seeing the new year in was uneventful. I crashed at 11:00. DH made it till 1:00. He watched the fireworks at the space needle fizzle and sputter. Apparently there was some computer glitch in the system and it sputtered and stopped about 3 times. He laughed out loud but I didn't hear him. I was sound asleep.

I took the tree down last night and uncovered a couple dust bunnies in the corner it had sat in. One was so big I swear I heard it growl when I moved the tree skirt. Where do they come from? I vacuumed before I put the tree up 3 weeks ago! Surely they can't get that big in such a short amount of time. Perhaps they are migrating from the cold basement -- hmm. Interesting yet creepy thought. I see a "B" movie in there somewhere. "Attack of the Dust Bunnies" or "Killer Cobwebs" or "Revenge of the Dust Mites".


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