My umbilical cord is gone! Augh!

My husband took my phone with him to Mt. Baker again today along with his own! What's the deal? I cannot believe how much I relied on my cell phone for that connection to the world. I also relied on it for the time and sometimes the date. Good Lord! I feel lost without it!

I was going to make some calls today instead of driving around for various things I need. No dice. He also took my Subaru instead of his own because his is acting up. So I have to drive that thing around town. I hate it. The sun roof leaks, the back window leaks, and it lacks a muffler. Not that it's really loud. It's surprisingly quiet for not having a muffler. He has thrashed it over the last year or so. Granted it was no prize to begin with but it's worse now. The clutch has a totally different feel than mine also. I give myself whiplash with it on occasion since the release of the clutch is so different from my own. I just got the grocery shopping done but will have to venture out with it again to pick up his Rx since the pharmacy doesn't open till 11:00. Wish I'd looked that up and saved myself two trips.

Think I'll get my chores done around the house then head out again. I'd rather drive the big truck but the transmission leaks and it needs fluid before I can drive it. We're almost out of that fluid too. I put most of what we had in last time I took it to the dump on a dump run. That's next on the agenda for major repairs after I finish paying off the new furnace. "If it's not one thing it's another" as my parents used to say...often!


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