Whew my feet hurt!

Well okay...it's taking more than a couple evenings. Yesterday evening was spent working on our truck, gassing it up, checking and adding radiator fluid, cleaning up, and then fixing dinner and putting everything away. Needless to say by 8:30 I was beat. My feet were killing me and I needed to get out of my shoes and put the dogs up. We only had myself and another gal at work today so we were VERY busy and I'm exhausted tonight too. Still, I got dinner done, cleaned up, and everything put away again. Also got a load of clothes in the wash. Just keep plodding away I guess and it'll get done. My optimistic view on a time line in the last post was definitely unrealistic.

I got another bill for the anesthesiologist for my D&C today. Gads. I also got a note from the hospital that they wanted payment in full. Gonna have to talk with them as I've been making payments but it's not fast enough for them. On top of that I have a $600 still due for the crown I needed on the tooth that broke. This is my year to spend money on my health I guess. I can only pay them as fast as I can make it. Sigh. Now you'd think that I'd have better insurance considering I work for a medical center. How sad is that?! And I see people coming in to the med center for tons of very minimal stuff and I wonder...does their insurance pay for all those visits or are these people just continually paying for these visits? Of course there's lots on DSHS etc. So perhaps being on the dole has its benefits.


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