My blood's too thick for this heat!

It's gonna be a corker today! It's already up to 82 according to my thermometer outside. It's 77 here in the house. To top it off I had a hangover headache this morning. Nice. Drank lots of water and took some ibuprofen then just waited for it to go. It didn't leave till a couple hours ago at which time I got out and mowed the lawn. Looks better but is beginning to take on that dry look that lawns get after the first flush of spring green is over and the world dries out. I'm not a diligent lawn waterer as I think it's a waste, however, saying that I am currently watering the section of back yard where we had planted grass back in April. I want it to get a really good foothold this year so by next year it will be thick and lush, and I won't have to worry about it when it does dry out.

Hangovers...I have become such a light weight. I didn't actually drink a lot or quickly, but the stuff dries my brain out and makes it scream the next day. Didn't feel sick but the head definitely hurt; that nagging ache at the back of the head that gets worse with activity or movement.

Small price to pay for a lovely evening with my brother, his wife and sister-in-law. They are very enjoyable people to hang out with, great senses of humor and good story tellers.


Anonymous said…
If it makes you feel any better, I had a slight hangover as well. The skeets bit my feet which goes nicely with my over crisping (sun burn) of the tops of both feet. Skeet bites really itch on feet!
Judi said…
Ow Junebug! I got away with no bites. You musta smelled better.

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