We need Valium in the water supply, I swear!

Sigh. DH just about got let go today at work. Boss says he doesn't want to continue working with someone that's always angry. The boss has a driver now, and Shuddits (don't ask) is looking for a job so Jay could potentially hire him and let DH go. Never mind that Shuddits has worked for him several times in the past and been let go each time due to unreliability and attitude. He doesn't need a driver now and I think that's why he kept DH around. Never mind we have waited over a month for paychecks many times over the years, had a couple bounce and just ate the costs, used some of our own tools to fix or sharpen his stuff, bought supplies for him out of our own money to be reimbursed later and inconvenienced ourselves in the process, worked crazy hours all to try to help him out. What a bunch of crap. He's a control freak and DH is just done being controlled and talked to like he's the village idiot. Demoralizing.

This morning I went with a girlfriend down to her house to get the last of her clothes and things outta there. Turned out not so good. Her soon to be ex-husband was there giving her shit about what she was taking even though it was largely knick knacks and her clothes. We ended up just getting her clothes out and just a couple knick knacks from the yard. She's calling a lawyer now. Took this long before she was okay with spending the money on a lawyer. He's not in his right mind and there's no rational dealing with the man. He's off his meds and NUTS! She had to come to grips with that though. Sad.

I took time off work this morning to help her move her stuff out and he was too irrational. I felt slightly threatened by him as did she. Scary. Fortunately he has no idea where we live except it was in Mt. Vernon. My address is not in the phone book and I'm not sure he even knows my last name.

Kind of stressed me out as I came home and proceeded to clean the house a bit. That is something I CAN control. Shudder. Glad she's out of there.


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