The Axe man cometh!

I have been remiss in my blogging. I know because I got a WTF in my email. I didn't realize how long its been.

I've been busy with a girlfriend who left her husband and moved into our motorhome for a while to collect herself. We helped her move her stuff into storage and have been moral support while she goes through some things. A couple weekends ago we took her to the Dairy we discovered on Field road then on out to the Longhorn for hot wings. After that it was to Nell Thorns for their spaghetti del mar. My DH was lusting after that dish again so we indulged.

Last weekend we went to the Deming Logger Rodeo. I have to say it is different from the professional shows on TV. The entire batch of contestants were local loggers who log daily, not compete. The Rodeo is something they do for fun. There are a couple entire families who compete throughout the afternoon. It was tiring yet amazing to watch them. I'm in awe of the efforts it took to get through all the different competitions and still be able to WALK at the end of the day, much less swing an axe. I have some pix I took and hope to get on here pretty soon.

We then took her to the boss' cabin after the show. We barbequed steak, had potatoes and a green salad, and cheese from that creamery and organic baquette slices dipped in a garlic dipping sauce. How DECADENT! We had a few cocktails, watched a couple movies and went to bed. In preparing for bed I learned that I forgot our overnight bag! I obviously remembered all the food (shows my priorities!)and bedding. As for toothbrushes and clean underwear.... DH got up early and washed our clothes, roaming the cabin naked until Deb finally got up. I did a toga wrap with a sheet while fixing breakfast. It was zebra striped. How's that for an imaginative toga? We found a new toothbrush in one of the medicine cabinets. We'll have to replace it next time we go. DH and I shared it out of necessity.

The weather was stellar throughout the weekend. I got sunburned on my chest where I forgot to put sunscreen on. Oh, and the part in my hair! That really hurts too. I've never burned my head before. It should make for some hellacious dandruff when it begins to peel.

So that's it in a nutshell. Pix to follow soon.


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