Solitary enjoyment!

AAAHHHHH! I don't have to fix dinner if I don't want to for a WEEK! My dear husband left today for a week long getaway in the motor home so I have the house to myself. Hm. What to do, what to do? Lemme tell ya...

First and foremost I'm going to clean the house and by golly it's gonna stay that way! I want to spend and evening or two or three sewing and doing any crafty thing I can think of with no interruptions or having to do other things. Thing is I wish I'd had more notice of when he planned on leaving. I really want to get new flooring down in the bathroom but it will take a full day for me to do it since I've never done flooring before. Don't know if I'll be able to lift the toilet myself either. It's old and very big. We'll see on that score. And if I want to lay around doing nothing for a day then so be it. I still have to work all week too so I only have evenings free. Still, I'm not complaining.

I think I'll get started with that cleaning. Deep cleaning is gonna take a couple evenings to get done.


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