Let's dance


The above vid made me smile and even cry a little. If all the world could just avoid politics and religion and just dance....what a good place the world would be. I'm seen a snippet of this before but this is the whole enchilada. Check it out.

Not much going on since the trip to Seattle to see Eddy Izzard. Been waiting on pins and needles (pun intended) for some fabric to arrive so I can get my sewing project going. I had run out of a certain striped fabric and couldn't find it anywhere. Combed the internet for a month and finally found it. I have also lived large and ordered a dress form which should arrive in about a week. Since I no longer fit in patterns without modifying them, I've had a hard time sewing clothing that fits. It's pretty hard to hold pattern pieces up to myself and try to adjust them for fit. There is a ton of fabric in my stash I'd like to make blouses and pants out of but have held off because I can't get the fit right. That's why I have been doing crafty sewing instead. Takes care of the sewing urge somewhat.

DH ordered a new grey water tank for the motor home. Our old one (and I do mean old) cracked at the outlet and couldn't be fixed. We need it for our camping trip planned in September. It's fast approaching.

Let's see..that's about it for now.


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