Dusting and cleaning results

Boy, after much waiting (2+ hours)with an IV drip in a room watching old movies and the history channel I was finally moved into the OR where anesthesia was promptly administered and 20 minutes later was in recovery room. The actual procedure took about 7 minutes. Geez! I feel good. Had slight cramping and low energy yesterday but otherwise am fine. My biopsies of last week came back abnormal again so the MD took more biopsies further into the canal of my cervix while he was performing the D&C. I hope to hear back from that Friday during the followup appointment. Keep your fingers crossed.

I actually am in pretty good health and could have just had a spinal anesthesia but the recovery time to shake it off was longer than general anesthesia and I frankly spent enough time in the hospital just waiting and didn't want to wait longer after it was over.

Today I had enough gumption to take the garbages and recycling out before the guys came around to collect, cut up the last of the rose prunings and put in the garden waste bin then came in the house and cleaned the bathroom. I'm feeling a bit whipped right now so am taking it easy for a while.

I'll keep you posted as I hear more.


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