Mornings at the zoo..and there's only 2 of us!

I hear this area got some snow accumulation over the weekend!!! My DH and I were up at Glacier for the weekend and got a light dusting that lasted 15 minutes or so. Otherwise was cold and gorgeous! Nothing like what it appeared down here. How strange! Another weekend of just getting away. It was nice. Stayed at the boss's cabin (read "house") and pretty much did nothing but watch a couple movies, watch the birds, and enjoy lounging in a strange place with nothing on the agenda. Decadent huh?!

Today I had a bitchy morning and I can't figure out why except the hormone thing. Everything pissed me off. Still feeling a bit edgy even hours later. Grrrr. What started it off was that I got up at the usual time to get ready for work, DH laid in bed till much later then had the nerve to ask me what he could eat for breakfast as he had to leave in 15 minutes. I too had to leave at that time and still had to get a few things together for myself! So I toasted him a bagel with cream cheese and got to-go cups of coffee ready for both of us while it toasted. Then he asked me to start his truck for him before I left while he stretched out his stiff back. Grrrr. Why does he do that? And WHY don't I just say no? Because I don't want to hear the flack, how he's the big money maker and my job is meaningless by comparison, why I shouldn't be so dedicated to it and help my husband in the morning, yadda yadda yadda. I think I need to see my counselor again. It's overdue. Sigh.


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