Ya' all sittin' down?

The monolithic pile of dirt and equally large pile of rock in our back yard? It's GONE! DH brought home the ASV over the weekend and took care of all that dirt and widened the parking area out back with the rock. He seeded the dirt with grass seed along with some bare patches in the yard too. Looks like we may have grass yet for this summer!!! I have fantasies of a BBQ in the back yard which was formerly the dust bowl. While he did that I poked away at working on the porch. Got the last of the brackets for the floor in and screwed down. Next up will be the stairs. Oh, I could work on the railing too. Just need an extra hand getting it up in place, but after that looks pretty easy. Yah progress! FINALLY!!!!

Remember that jacket I mentioned so long ago? Here it is.

Been a while, but I finally remembered to take a picture of it today. I'm sewing a cute bag for Sunny too but I'll get that when it's done.


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