Nifty bag!

Augh! I'm having a clutter attack today! I look around and just can't stand all the crap that's around here! I've picked up some stuff but the urge to purge is upon me. Perhaps it's a good thing I'll be out all day tuning pianos and won't be able to do something rash! Though gawd knows there's some thinning out of my stuff that could be done again. It's a constant battle. It just creeps into the house when I'm not looking I swear! Junk just circles the house waiting for me to go to bed or leave. Then it pounces, making itself at home in every nook and cranny. Sigh.

It's now evening and I got my last tuning of the day done. When I got home DH wasn't home so I went down to my sewing room and finished the bag I mentioned earlier. Here it is..

CUTE!!!! I've been wanting to make one of these for a long time. Finally did it. Think I'll make one for myself with some scraps I have around the sewing room!

The clutter thing has faded but not all the way. I think I'll try tackling some of it now. Have a good evening~!


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