snow shoes and other musings

TGIF! I haven't been sleeping well this week and today it is really apparent. I think I ate some of every piece of junk at work to compensate for the rundown feeling I had. Bad choices too, because now I feel rather ill. Nothing like an overload on sugar to make your day.

Snowshoeing...I agreed to go with a girlfriend this weekend. Neither of us are in any great shape to be doing much of it so don't know how long we'll last. Should be pretty amusing as we both have a good ability to laugh at ourselves. She's never done it before so I'm looking forward to her learning how to walk with them. The learning curve is tiny, but neither of us are very coordinated when it comes to footwork!

The voters ballots arrived in the mail yesterday. Took me all of one minute to get mine done. DH on the other hand is still waffling over his democratic choice for president. Last night after some discussion he figured out who to pick. We differ in opinion, but both of us feel a HUGE change is in order to rescue us from the current debacle. Throw 'em all out and start over I say. Should be an interesting ride from here till next November. So far I must say the ads we've seen and some of the interviews we've read and seen have been relatively....nice. No blood being shed, not verbal knife stabs. Pleasant change from years and elections past. Refreshing actually!


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