Perimenopause, its causes and effects

Sigh. I went to my very first counseling session today. I have been plagued with some depression, little to no sex drive, and generally just a loss of my cognitive, logical brain. I figured one begat the other and it's taking its toll on my marriage. After my first talk with the counselor, I found out just how big an impact perimenopause can have on a person. I knew of some of it, but had no idea of the widespread magnitude. It was reassuring to realize I haven't lost my marbles. There may be a reason for all of it. I have an appointment next month for a physical at which time I'm going to discuss HRTs, alternatives for HRTs, etc. Next session we plan to discuss my passive/aggressive nature and stoicism which is also taking a toll on my life and relationships.

On a positive note, I went to Bellingham to hang out with my best friend Sunday. We went to Henderson's used book store. WOW! That's all I can say. WOW! Reminded me of a smaller version of that huge bookstore in Portland. How they fit so many books in that building I have no idea. Could have ordered lunch out and stayed there all day just looking. Instead we went around the corner to Mount Bakery. Sort of a granola-like small cafe. All food was organic. I had a breakfast sandwich. I appreciated organic, healthy bread, but I could have used smaller slices. Couldn't get my mouth around it. Had to nibble each slice down so I could get to the filling. Good though.

We also went to the Joann's Fabric Store up there. Much better than the one in Mount Vernon. I think all the ugly fabric gets sent to Mount Vernon. I found a lining fabric for the retro fabric I ordered online. Looking forward to making the jacket with it. I'll post a picture when it's done.


Anonymous said…
:) :) :)
Judi said…
THanks whoever you are.
Anonymous said…
Hugs, love and support are close at hand; you're not alone, not by a long shot. Hang in there. :)

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