Satisfaction -- Ahhh!

Wooo Hooo! I got home today and began work on putting up the downspout when an elderly gentleman stopped by in a Datsun pickup loaded with scrap BBQ's, pieces of lawn mowers and other bits and bobs of metal to see if I wanted to get rid of the scrap metal I had in the north yard. It was all the old furnace we took out a couple months ago from the 1920's. It was a big old beast that was extremely heavy. I said sure. He walked over there and began banging it apart. I had not recalled how brittle cast iron was. He got it down to somewhat manageable pieces and I helped him load it in his truck. It's now GONE! Do you know how much I've wanted that outta here? After he left I got out a bucket to haul the fire bricks to the garbage and raked the area clean, or pretty close. The rest will have to just get ground into the earth since it's the consistency of dust anyway. Ahhh! Satisfaction! It's a good thing!

I filled up the yard waste bin with rose trimmings today. I still have a pile of them but it'll wait till next week. The bin is full. This weather gives me such a case of spring fever! Think I'll try to work in the yard more now that the weather is improving. The rambling rose I got all those clippings from now looks like a skeleton. I may even dig it up if it doesn't survive the massacre. Put something else there.

Counseling is going pretty good. I am down to every couple weeks. It is helping me to figure myself out. I have also started B6 vitamin supplements along with journaling and trying to stay adult instead of turning into a little girl and withdrawing when conflict comes up. I'll let you know how it goes the closer I get to "that time of the month".


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