Just an update

We ended up doing nothing over the holiday weekend. We had planned on going somewhere, anywhere, but after checking Accuweather as far east as Kettle Falls rain was forecast so we stayed home. Had a friend who walked out on her husband end up coming and spending part of the weekend with us. Took her to Sunday Brunch at Randy's. Delicious as usual!

Saturday we trekked out to the Longhorn for a drink and wings with my brother and his wife and sister-in-law. That was really enjoyable. The weather here was beautiful! I talked with a coworker on Tuesday who went up to Baker Lake. They got hailed on. Another coworker went to Winthrop and got rained out. Lovely. Glad we stayed home although the hubbie is rather upset that we wasted the whole weekend here at home. I'm thinking he'd have been grunchy about the weather if we'd went somewhere and got rained out too. I could be wrong though.

Speaking of gorgeous weather, it's that here now. I hear weeds out there rejoicing in the sunshine. I better get out there and rip 'em up before it gets too hot.



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