Yep, another one!

Another bag. Yes, the first one was too cute! Had to make one for myself. The girls at work love it and suggested I make some to sell around town at the little boutiques. Hmmmm. Interesting Idea! May have to give that serious consideration!

It's the big holiday weekend coming up. I was thinking in the back of my mind that I still had another week before then. Duh. So what are we going to do? Or what am I going to do if DH decides to go it alone this weekend? Hmm. Something cheap I'm thinkin'. Don't have much in the way of funds right now. Perhaps go see Stacy on Camano for an afternoon or something like that. Also possibly yard work. Not real exciting but would be satisfying to me to see the yard look nice again. I really need to mow and weed. I've neglected both.

Hmmmm. I better go ponder it. Have a good weekend!


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