Family reunion

We had a family reunion/camping trip this last weekend. It was great. Really enjoyed seeing everyone in such a relaxed setting. And it was the first time I got to meet Zoe, my cousin's second granddaughter *blink*. Hard to imagine she's a grandmother, or that my aunt is a great grandmother. I still feel like we're just punk kids. Having grandbabies, well, that's CRAZY!

Next time I really plan on planning better. We also plan on NOT having head colds etc. I really wanted to get out and do things this trip but spent most of the time around the camp site sniffling and snorting.

This time next week I hope to be driving a different car.

I hope to have a maroon version of this soon. A car hunter found one in Nevada for me at a reasonable price. It's a matter of getting it shipped up here and prepped and the loan paperwork processed. Then it is ours. I did some careful consideration on what car would work well for us with our lifestyle and this fit the bill. Okay, it's not as sporty looking as a legacy or an outback, but I liked the taller back end for loading things in it. I'm so darn practical huh?!


Anonymous said…
Is that a Forester? My Pa has one and he really loves it.
I had fun camping. Very interesting was a good group of peeps. Your brother told me that he had paid already, but then when I asked you I found out he may not have. Do I need to wrestle the cash outta him or did he settle up before we left? If not lemme know.

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