Sunshine, bluebirds, and worries

Well, I got some concerns...I had a transvaginal ultrasound last week and it came back abnormal. I have a thickened endometrium and he mentioned a mass. Could be a fibroid. Couldn't tell definitively. Not to worry yet he said. But I have a consult with a gynecologist Wednesday and a colposcopy the following week since my PAP came back slightly abnormal also. Had a couple-minute freakout after that phone call but pulled myself together and the common sense self took over. Here I thought it was all because of "the change." Could be more involved. Great. I'll post again after the consult. In the meantime I just keep on doing what I do.

We went up to Mt. Baker Saturday. It was what my husband calls a bluebird day. Sun was out, got into the low 40's, and no lines on the lifts. I didn't ski, not my bag. I did walk around on the groomed trails and took a picture or two.

THis is a bit bright but you get the idea. Nice day. Quite a contrast from the next day when it rained cats, dogs, and small ponies. Oh, and the hail. Can't forget that! Miserable day. Good for catching up on housework though. Anyhoo, back to fixing dinner. More after Wednesday's appointment.


Anonymous said…
That scares me. I hope it is nothing serious, but whenever I hear of stuff like that I think of my mother...

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