Tax Time Approacheth! (Is that a word?)

Just got a little closer to doing my taxes. I finished finalizing my year-end stuff. Yes, I know. The procrastination god has made me a high priestess of procrastination. I hate dealing with numbers. That's all there is to it. The tedium and exactness of it, all for the sake of paying the government more than their share, chaps my britches. Next stop is Turbo Tax. I have to buy it yet. Yes, I've procrastinated on that too! Surprised?

Counseling is going well. Just getting the other half to support some of the changes and suggestions I need to make can be another story. I'll just keep plugging away at it. I must say though that the B-complex vitamins she suggested I start seems to be helping my moods. They so far are staying pretty even. It's almost that time of the month so we'll see how I do during that time. Hmmm. Should be interesting to see.


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