Meet me at the fair

Had a LOVELY weekend! Saturday my bestest girlfriend and I went to the Anacortes Arts Festival where I spent too much but got some lovely things and had a terrific visit with her, and Sunday I was manning a booth at the Stanwood Fair for a few hours. I had gyros at both venues. Gawd I love those things! At Stanwood there's a booth run by a local butcher who sells turkey legs. They are to DIE FOR!!!!! I brought one home for DH to have for dinner. Both days were just really pleasant! The weather was outstanding both days, not too hot or too cool. Just right. A perfect summer weekend.

We've -- correction - I've been looking for a car. We got preapproved and so I've been looking. DH was put on standby at work though so now I'm gonna hold off on buying a car till he's back working regularly again. Don't want to take on the debt of a car if the income is questionable. Too bad as the one I'm currently driving is getting ready to die. It has developed an overheating problem (no it's not the thermostat) and makes some strange rattly noises at times. As if the CV joints are going, or the universal joint, or something like that.

Too bad as I had hoped to go to Eugene in the next month or two and visit my aunt. Keep your fingers crossed that all will work out.


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