
Showing posts from 2014

Happy New Year

Happy Holidays to all

Med ctr policy involves wasting my money

Days of girl time almost done

No more extra critters to feed

Just add cats

And the heat is on!

What a lovely day!

Glad the week is winding down.

No real point to this entry, just....dumping I guess.

It's only 6 and I want the day to be over


wrap dress motivation needed! Send it my way

A few mental meanderings this week.


Shysters and Grandmas.

My new title

my agenda

The mud poured!

Full saturday

Trimming the chaff in preparation for a sale

A sewing weekend getaway

My wearable muslin

I tried, but ran out of daylight so to speak

Success with my first FBA

It's getting hot!

North to Vancouver

Absolutely wonderful

Busy month!

What? I'm early? Or late? What?

Thank goodness for self cleaning ovens

the purple mock wrap dress. Meh.

Blackout here with no phone service

Bike commuting to work

Something decidedly different

Memorial day weekend

Retro with Gertie

Brief update and hello

I am still alive and ticking