Something decidedly different

Had a lovely weekend.  Friday night met the girls at the Porterhouse for a couple brews and dinner.  Long overdue!!!!

Saturday night we went to a jazz quintet in Arlington.  Nice venue.  Acoustics were great!  And I tuned the piano for the performance.  That was pretty cool!  Especially since the performance was recorded for an upcoming album.  Very cool.  I got the purple mock wrap dress 2/3 done.  I need to spend an evening on fine tuning the fitting.  Not high on my list of aptitudes so I've procrastinated.  It's hanging on my dress form and I've tentatively pinned the parts that need taken in.  I actually have to put it on my body next to see how that works.  I'll take a picture soon and post it. 

Tomorrow heading to Concrete after work to tune.  Gonna stop by the hangar to see how things are holding up.  Our old ratty motor home is up there.  Gotta see if it's still held together and standing!  Ha!

The yard looks good and the garden looks pretty fair.  Oh, we got the drip system set up around the house.  Finished it up Sunday.  Nice to have the garden watered without having to think about it.  And it was so easy why didn't we get one earlier?!


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