Busy month!

My final busy social weekend in June is almost done.  Saturday was Karin & Bob's 25th anniversary party which was lovely despite the rain that kept threatening.  Food was good, my hand pies went over pretty well, especially the pumpkin!  That was a huge hit!  Today i spent several hours with Kim down in Alderwood mall catching up.  Can I just say it was marvelous to see her again.  However, Alderwood Mall?  It's been YEARS since I've been there and despite there being such a plethora of things to see, buy, and do, just...not my bag.  Back in my 20's shopping was a major form of entertainment.  Now not so much.  That said, i did get a couple items from a christopher & banks store going out of business at that location.  Yay, since my summer wardrobe is lacking.

Next weekend if all comes together I will head to Canada to Marion's 80th birthday.  All depends on the stars aligning, amongst other things.  Again, it's been YEARS since I've been across the border.  Sounds like I don't get out much!  Ha!  I don't actually, not too far anymore.  Just mostly financially not feasible, not because I want to stay so close to home.

Union vote passed this week and I will be getting a bit of a raise.  Less the dues of course.  Gah!  Not ultimately a perfect contract, but for now it'll do.  Better than the conditions we've been working under for years, and hopefully there will be some other people managing things that will be remedied.  We are newly unionized and tho I'm not pro union by any means since it's here I'll deal with it.

Short week.  Yay!


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