What? I'm early? Or late? What?

Hahahahahaha!  Boy, in the last couple years I've either showed up a day or 7 early or a day or 7 late to things.  I understand this is part of perimenopause.  Uh, I had the correct date written in my dayplanner, but on the board by the door I had today instead written down.  So, I went to the Seattle Outlet Mall area to meet my friend only to text her and realize I'm a week early.  I finished my latte, tried to find a parking place to wander around the mall but promptly gave up and drove home via the scenic route. 

To make up for that fruitless couple hours I traced out a pants pattern and folded a load of laundry.  Then DH and I watched White Vengeance.  A Chinese film, subtitled, and it was good.  It's a period piece with beautiful CG, costumes, and an intriguing story. 

Mowed the lawn Friday after work, and yesterday morning i weeded.  Unfortunately I only got halfway thru that lovely chore.  Perhaps get the rest of it this week.  Between working on a piano action in my shop.  Busy busy.


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