Blackout here with no phone service

Just a darn good thing I haven't had to call 911 this evening.  It appears the Sprint network is down here.  And has been for hours I might add.  How frustrating!  I hope they get it figured out soon!  Gah!

Put my bike seat #2 back on.  The wider #3 was TOO wide.  Kept sliding off the front!  I think I can work with seat #2.  I need to tip it up a bit farther but I can make do for now.  I rode to work again today.  Granted it's only 2 miles each way but heck, I'm riding my bike and getting exercise.  Some is better is none.  And sometimes I hop on for another 1/2 hour at lunch. 

Goal:  finish purple mock wrap dress this weekend!  Thought I'd throw that out there so I'd maybe, just maybe, stick with it.  I fitted it tonight.  So, sewing the adjustments, facing the neckline, and hems and it will be finished.  After that it's maybe that linen dress I've had cut out for some time now!  We'll see.

Or that tea dress.  Hmmm.  More fitting required for that muslin tho.  FBA didn't go as well as I'd hoped.  Will try it again from scratch another time.  :(


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