Thank goodness for self cleaning ovens

I have the house to myself for a few days.  So, I am cleaning it tonight so that for the next couple days it will look good and I'll be able to just enjoy it as everything will be caught up.  I must also get over to Anacortes to visit with my Uncle who is in town for a few days.  Perhaps tomorrow.  I need to contact him to schedule time.  Don't let me forget!

Had a lovely visit last night with S&D in Arlington.  They are always so enjoyable to spend time with.  She made a black and white themed quilt with a colored square in the middle of each 4-patch.  She doesn't like it but I disagree.  It's graphic and really pops.  Her tastes run to the more traditional color schemes usually tho so perhaps that's why.

Speaking of visiting, I am scheduled to get together with Kim in Tulalip on Sunday.  So looking forward to that.  Haven't seen her since she got a job and I've missed her visits every couple months.  This is a busy month as far as weekend visits etc.  The following weekend I am going to a 25th anniversary barbeque of a coworker friend.  A very social month!!!


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