Bike commuting to work

Been riding my bike fairly regularly to/fm work.  And can I just say I am beginning to feel a difference.  Can't see it yet, but feeling it in my stamina and strength in my legs.  And the other day I made it up the 3 blocks of slow hill without stopping and when I reached home I was breathing kinda heavy but not too bad and the ticker was pumping a bit, but not as much as it used to.  So, improving.  Yay!  Tho I'm still tweaking the seat situation.  Grrr.  Think I've almost got it dialed in tho.

And can I just say how much of a klutz i can be?  Today at work I had my headphones plugged into the computer.  The headset cord was under the keyboard corner.  ANYWAY, I moved too far to the side to throw something away forgetting to take the headset off and I not only almost gave myself whiplash I almost flipped the keyboard on the floor if it hadn't been plugged in.  Later I almost choked to death on my own spit.  Gawd.  It was bad today.  I did make it home unscathed.  Whew.

And might I add....perimenopause is a PITA!  Hot flashes I rarely have so far knock wood but the mood from zero to raging in 0.3 seconds??  Gah.  What IS that????  This morning was bad.  Just pissy for no good reason.  I'm okay now, but damn.


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