the purple mock wrap dress. Meh.

My godson graduated from high school yesterday.  His party was this afternoon and it was good to see him on his special day.  My cousin, the proud dad, looked about ready to bust.  Yay for them!!!!  Bonus is I got a good visit in with my Aunt.  And as always the food was FAB.  Loved the meat dish, and it was so good to have a jello salad.  No joke.  I had those at every family and church gathering so it's just not right unless there's at least one!  I love them.

I finished the purple dress this afternoon.  Here's some pix.

I am not that crazy about the way the mock front lays.  It's kind of ripply on the bottom edge though it doesn't show up much in this picture.  It's a nice solid purple double knit but as I had to mess with the contrast to get any details to show it makes the fabric look odd.  I am donating this pattern to my garage sale.  Not that crazy about it and the directions had some issues.  If I was a rank amateur I'd have been so confused.  It also looks less wrinkled on the body but I have a knit t-shirt that always covers the dress form so it was not letting the knit lay smooth.  Oh well.  Next up is a cap sleeve t-shirt I got as a free bonus for buying a PDF pattern online from an indie pattern maker in Denmark.  The internet can be such a fantastic tool!

Tomorrow I expect I'll be helping with chores around the house/yard weather permitting.  A coworker and I were going to go for a bike ride but the weather may not compromise.  Happy Father's day to the fathers out there!


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