What a lovely day!

Just weeded the 12x20 ft south garden which had been neglected since the end August.  SOOOO many weeds and the pile of composted dirt in the middle?  Ugh.  Must be age? but my grip petered out about halfway thru.  I soldiered on and got it done but my hands can't seem to grip now.   Moving that dirt pile in the middle and tossing the shovels full around....I'll feel my core muscles that never get used tomorrow!  I still have to cut the peonies but I can't seem to squeeze the pruners enough now.  Give my hands a break then I'll be back out to do it this afternoon.

Amongst all that digging I ended up with a small harvest of volunteer red potatoes and there's so many sugar pumpkins!  I already have some in the freezer and I'll do a few more, but if anyone wants some feel free to buzz by and take what's left.  They are small but nice.

The weather is cool but beautiful today and I am loathe to come in!  Hungry tho, and the hands aren't working as they should so I'll go fix myself something to eat and two-hand my glass of water.  Scared I'll drop it. 


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