Days of girl time almost done

Brrrrrr!  A cold one tonight and tomorrow.  I am SOOO glad I got a new furnace in time!  Cripes!  And that there's some insulation downstairs now too, and in the attic as well.

The house is beginning to get cleaner looking.  I've got my sewing clutter picked up and put away for the most part.  The kitchen now has that film covering the windows to help with heat retention and the detritus of that cleaned up.  The pumpkins I had sitting on the counter are now roasted, pureed and put in the freezer for future pies etc.  The dishwasher has been emptied and now the sink is empty and clean of dirty dishes.  Laundry is done, bed has been stripped and remade.  Bathroom cleaned, floors vacuumed, Xmas tablecloth on table and holiday toppers on side tables...yep, it's looking much better.

The North Cove coffee house?  Pretty nice place, and the creme brulee latte was very very good!  I met Rox there for a visit then we went to the mall, I know I know, the holiday black Friday weekend and what was I thinking....but really it wasn't bad and I snagged a pair of jeans for a good price, as well as a sweater and t-shirt with long sleeves also at good prices.  Also stopped in at the optician place in the mall and found a pair of glasses.  Think I might take my Rx there tomorrow and get them as they too are having a sale.  So, since I have $150 towards hardware on my health insurance I think I'll do it.  My old glasses are SO OLD it's ridiculous.  At least 2 prescriptions old anyway!  I always wear my contacts during the day and swap out to glasses in the late evening so it hasn't been a great concern, but it is time.  They are so out of date and SO VERY scratched its ridiculous.

My time of no hubbie in the house is almost over.  He's due back Wednesday.  Sigh.  There goes batching it.  I've enjoyed my quiet time though I have been busy with the craft fair, tunings for the holidays, working, and getting in some serious amounts of girl time while he's been gone.  Very nice.


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