Just add cats

The craft fair is finally over.  Whew.  The yetis I thought would sell?  I sold 2.  The xmas decs I thought would go quickly?  Dribbled out.  The catnip toys, they went rather quickly.  And the pillow I had made and threw in as a lark?  Snapped up by a guy.  He zeroed in on it like he was on a mission!  Goes to show you just don't know what people will go for.  Sherrys baskets which last year almost sold out?  She only sold 3.  Just crazy.  But her scrubbies flew out the door as did her wax fire starters. 

I spent part of the morning getting my house back in order, the sewing bomb cleaned up, the kitchen sorted and picked up.  Feels good to see some order in the house again.  I must get up in the attic for cold weather gear tho.  Maybe later this afternoon.

The neighbor texted me on Friday that she had broken her leg and they were taking her to harborview so asked me to take care of her cats.  Sure thing....but gah!  One is on heart meds so I must make sure I get there twice a day to feed them and give one her the pills.  She takes them remarkably well.  It's actually a piece of cake giving them to her.  Sweet.  On the downside?  Her house....shudder.  I couldn't take it and cleaned the sink and unjammed the disposal so I could wash cat dishes. I think she tends to be a hoarder too.  Gah. 

The Skagit Valley Food Coop makes some of the best lattes.  Met a GF there and had a good visit as well as a latter and sandwich today.  Yum!  Guess I should get busy again with attacking the house.  The end is in sight so I will soldier on while watching the Seahawks.


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