And the heat is on!

I was like a kid looking out the window for Santa Claus this morning.  When I saw the company van I almost jumped up and down.  It was the heating guys here to install the new furnace.  I've been doing quite well thank you very much with just a couple space heaters....until the weather took a decided downturn in temperature.  Then the space heaters couldn't keep up.  Last night was CHILLY.  It took them about 2 hours to get it installed and the new thermostat hooked up then they fired it up and it took several hours for it to get the house up to temp.  It's now a constant 70 degrees and the chill in my bones is leaving. 

I tuned a piano for a new  customer today, and I'll be doing two more this week.  All referrals from a piano teacher I knew but hadn't tuned for in many years.  She touched base with me a couple weeks ago and i agreed to advertise in the piano teachers newsletter.  And dang if I'm not getting business from her already.  I thank her and will send her something for her referrals. 

Tomorrow I have off from my regular day job.  It was intended to be just a vacation day but after dropping a friend off at the airporter shuttle I'll be off to tune 4 pianos the rest of the day.  Yay.  Gonna throw that towards the furnace.  The faster I can knock that debt down the better. 

I've been making things for the craft fair today as well.  Cat toys with catnip in them.  Oh, and finishing up the gingerbread men decorations made as well. 

Just as an aside, WTH is WRONG with the world that Kim Kardashians butt is bigger news than landing on a comet.


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