Glad the week is winding down.

This week has felt very long.  Between working 7-4, tuning afterwards every day, and visiting my BFF after tuning yesterday for a fabulous gabfest and dinner, I am quite glad to be home.  Oh, and for a couple days I had a piano action to work on in the evenings too.  Got it reinstalled today. Yay.  I tackled some household chores tonight after I finally got home and got dinner baking.  Uh, slightly embarrassed to admit my house has been neglected pretty much for the last 2 weeks and it was a pit.  It's on the way to better now tho. 

Rumor has it the weather is supposed to be good tomorrow.  Looks like I'll be breaking out the lawn mower for one last go around.  It needs it too because I didn't get to it the last clear day we had awhile ago and its pretty shaggy.  Never got around to cutting back the peonies or anything else either.  So that's also on the agenda.  Also figure to put the dolly partons on the outside faucets before the cold weather really sets in and freezes something it shouldn't!

Sunday will be spent inside finishing getting the cleaning here upstairs done, then I'll move downstairs to get the canned goods rack emptied and moved since it currently is right next to the old furnace and I imagine the installers will need more room than is currently there!  I also will try to install a door knob in a door downstairs.  We'll see how I do.  Oh, and continue to slowly get insulation installed in the half walls down there.  Sounds simple enough but it requires emptying shelves, moving things around away from said walls, then figuring out where to  put stuff.  Gah.  Not fun.


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