Shysters and Grandmas.

Some thoughts after the fact:  watch for shoplifters and watch for con artists.  I had a little glass dish for a buck.  A lady in her late 50's or early 60's picked it up, proceeded to walk around the rest of the tables, then come back with it to pay.  She kept it turned away from me, handed my 50 cents, and walked away.  I was busy and it didn't register till she got in her car that I had a buck on that dish.  And she drives away in a nice SUV.  WTH?  And a hispanic guy tried to pull a fast one with me after he was told by another person what he wanted was $25 firm.  He then pays with a large bill, I give him change, and he proceeds to tell me the other party say $20.  Fortunately I stopped to ask and confirm the price change instead of taking him at his word.  It was $25!!!!  Then he smiled sheepishly, shrugged, and said sorry, no problem, and took the item for $25.  Thought he could pull a fast one.  Geez.

I was able to sell the 2 pairs of Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls Mom had made me to a very nice lady for her granddaughters.  Wasn't sure if they'd go when I put them out there.  Overall things I didn't think would sell, did, and the stuff I thought there was still a market for wasn't.  Interesting.  There's some serious room now in the attic and under the bed where i stored things is empty.  Awesome!


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