Full saturday

T minus 30 minutes till the mud arrives.  The neighbor is building an outbuilding and I have helped a little bit here and there learning to tie rebar, shoveling, squaring the forms, etc.  The concrete arrives this morning and she got a professional to do a side job this weekend to get it poured and finished.  I'll be keeping the outside of the forms clean and whatever else I'm required to do to help.  Not frankly looking forward to it but it's got to be done.  There's no stopping it.  I'm hoping to be done with my end of it by noon so I can sew.  I've decided to make a few Xmas decorations to add to my booth at the craft fair this year and I need to get more made.  I've only got....maybe 10 made so far.  I know, I really need to buckle down.  I will also make a few purses etc. for it.  Hopefully will be more successful this year than last.  I sold a few things last year including my favorite bag, but still came home with too much.

I also have a skirt muslin cut out I need to sew together and fit.  It's been cut out for a couple weeks now.  For some reason I have a real problem with concentrating in the evenings after work nowadays and feel wore out.  Age? Perimenopause?  I don't know, but I find it kind of frustrating at times.  More a problem with concentration than tired tho.

Last night some yahoo lit off fireworks, only a couple but it woke me up, and I also heard several cars zipping by and/or dropping people off outside....wonder what was going on?  Anyway, I don't feel too rested today I'll tell ya.


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