My new title

Feel like Captain Halfassed tonight.  I got MOST of the weeding and deadheading done over the last couple days got MOST of the stuff priced for the yard sale, got MOST of the stuff down from the attic, got MOST of the bathroom cleaned, and got MOST of the tables together to take outside tomorrow.  Because of that tomorrow morning at dark-thirty it'll be a busy couple hours getting it all together and outside, staged for the sale.  Oh, and unlike lots of garage sales I've been to, I actually washed stuff before I put it out.  Hello!  Dust is really not an asset!!!!

That skirt muslin I mentioned over the last couple posts?  Sewed it together and had to let out a dart as it was slightly snug in the waist, but wonder of wonders it fit over the hip.  Yay!  So I will go ahead and finish it up and possibly wear it this coming week.

Here's to good luck and some $$ on the yard sale tomorrow and Saturday.


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