The mud poured!

The mud poured yesterday, no blowouts, sags, or anything else catastrophic. It's curing and the forms will be stripped tomorrow.  Yay.  While i still was outside in my grubby clothes I washed my car.  It wasn't bad since we had some good rain here not long ago, but it's better looking now.

This morning I tackled the attic.  Uh, it should be named the junk retention room or something.  Anyhoo, I staged all the stuff I'm getting rid of by the attic stairs since we have no room here in the house to put it till next Friday.  At least and still have room to move!  It feels lighter in here already.  Well, in my mind anyway.  Will be cutthroat on the kitchen in the next couple days.

I sewed that skirt muslin yesterday but did not try it on to fit it yet.  I did get a couple more Xmas decorations done for the craft fair.  And downloaded patterns for a few more.  I also want to do some stash busting small bags.  We'll see.

I have a few days off this week as well, thank goodness.  I hope to finish getting ready for the sale by cleaning and pricing things, getting signs, etc.  I also want to finish the skirt fitting and make a  purse I've had percolating in my brain for the fair.  Fingers X'd i will have the gumption and motivation to get all that done.


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