
10 days till the DH goes back to Michigan for 1.5 months.  Errr, does it reflect badly on me that I'm rather looking forward to the alone time?  And maybe an easier time getting back on my diet?  Which I might add I'm failing miserably at?! 

Yesterday was spent mowing mine and my neighbor's lawns, weed eating, straightening up the wood that was piled in the yard, and working up quite a sweat.  I had let the lawn get way too long before mowing.  Bad idea.  Tho I shouldn't say anything as it's bad karma, I must gritch for a moment about my neighbors yard.  She "works" on her gardens and just leaves stuff like tools, totes, etc all over the damn yard.  Just drops them where she decides to stop.  And her hose.  Crikey.  Take 5 minutes and put it away!  Less issues with it being an ankle buster!  Just saying.  So, before I mow, I have to do a walk-around to pick up her crap, including plant labels, empty plastic plant containers, empty fertilizer wrappers....just, detritus.  All so I can have internet as a person on her network.  If internet gets more affordable eventually I'll pay for it myself and she can take care of her own dang yard!

It's a lovely day out today and I should be weeding the flower beds.  But nah.  Instead I am blogging and watching football.  No, not the Seahawks, but football is on.  Houston and Dallas I think.  Shows you how much interest I have in it.  Zip.

Okay, enuf procrastinating!  I have a pencil skirt to finish.  Waistband, hem, and it's done.


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