It's only 6 and I want the day to be over

Well, it's already shaping up to be a grand day.  Note the sarcasm.  Started with a text from DH that woke me up at 5am. He's in Michigan visiting his folks and couldn't recall his password.  Well, I'm awake might as well get up right?  So I did and proceeded to make coffee.  Somehow I got water up the sleeve of my robe while doing this.  Soggy robe and nightgown.  Sigh.  The cats keep nagging me even tho they have food and fresh water, both tripping me up as I walk around the house doing things.  The Furnace has been running pretty good but decided to act up this morning as well.  And on my agenda was to sleep in til 6am, load my car with sewing gear for another day in Arlington sewing and meeting my brother at 2 for a beer.  Pleasant day planned but the omens are indicating a not so good day.  Sigh.  Just fantastic.

Oh, and just got off phone with DH now.  He's not having a good time and wants to come home early.  He's supposed to be there for a month.  Apparently he's not able to accomplish what he wanted to back there helping his folks with firewood and fixing Mom's computer and they don't seem interested in having him there really.  Yah dysfunction with a capital D.  Gah.  Strong urge to just ignore the world and go back to bed.


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